Summer Sky Art – Naples Florida

 Summers in Naples Florida can easily be labeled as HOT. However, one thing that is forgotten during a Florida summer are the sunsets and sky Art. The secret… Clouds people! Even in the middle of the day the clouds are beautiful!

Of course the sunsets take the cake. If you have always wanted to visit Florida but ruled out summer because of the heat… Think again! Yes it’s a little warmer but the sky is so worth it! Oh and all the discounts!

Vacation anyone?

#thlrentals #naplesfl #paradise #sunset #islandwalklife #skyart #iphonephotography #iphone6plus

Baby Boy’s Nursery

Ok, so I have been trying to get this nursery together for 8 months now, but I am feeling like I might be close to finished. At least with the decorative side of things. How functional this space is will be tested in about a month. Stand by for an update on that…

Basically my stores of choice for this nursery goes as follows:

  • Target
    • crib
    • wall decals
    • nightlight
    • round about
  • Babies R Us
    • sheets
    • changing topper pad
  • Ikea
    • dresser
    • random decorative things

Obviously there is a lot more in this room but as far as basic decoration goes, thats where I got most of it.

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Now that I have the base done, I am starting to look into a rocker/recliner and the baby monitor. We have a pack n play and bassinet that we will use in the living room or master but I don’t have them set up yet since our little peanut is not here YET!

Red Willow

Red Leaf Tree

 This beautiful red willow tree in the backyard inspired me today. The view from my desk lets me gaze out to this tree all day. Today has been a bit windy and the branches have been swaying back and forth all afternoon, I just can’t get enough! This tree will bloom gorgeous red blossoms sometime in the winter and I will update with an image of its even more stunning beauty then.

Quick new photo taken with my Canon EOS 60D.

#photography #naplesfl #nature #backyardparadise #untamedtrees

Thanksgiving Sun


Just a quick iPhone picture to show thanksgivings beauty in Florida. Surprisingly enough… It was only about 70 degrees out! Perfect weather for a feast.

Now we are headed to Key West!!